Friday, January 16, 2015

The Incredible Cure

A poor little boy by the name of James Harrison needed 13 liters of blood for a surgery he had when he was just 13 years old. After surviving the surgery, he pledged to give blood as soon as he was 18. He kept his pledge and because of it, doctors found out that his blood had a rare antigen which ended up curing Rhesus disease. He went on to give blood 1,000 times and saved the lives of 2,000,000 people. As incredible and touching as this is, we have access to a blood far more powerful, blood that can cure mankind's greatest "disease." This disease is sin. That blood is of course, the blood of Christ. We had a sin problem that we couldn't cure ourselves. We need something greater than we are, and God knew it! 1 John 1:7 says that, "But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanses us from all sin." Who could turn that down? 

Hope everyone has a great weekend! 

1 comment:

  1. Are you sick? Have you been battling with strange and funny illnesses? Are you in a situation whereby the doctors have done necessary tests and said there isn’t anything wrong with you? ... These were all my stories until I met with a total cure for them all... His name is Dr. Payo Shalo says my mom... I was almost at the point of death. It was that serious that I was just placed on life support even as the doctors didn’t know what was wrong with me. My mom just came to my hospital bed one morning and said she had found a solution to all of my sufferings (because that was what I referred to the situation I was in then)... She said she was going through the internet and she came across some testimonies of how some people who had similar cases as mine were all cured off their illnesses through the power of this voodoo man. Without hesitation, I told her to contact the man, Which she did and she went on with the procedures as instructed her by this voodoo man (these procedures, I wasn’t aware of because I was in a really bad shape then, And whenever I asked my mom she would say I shouldn’t bother myself about that...that it was something she could handle). Not to bore you readers with too much of my story, in seven days from that day my mom told me about the voodoo man, I was cured off this killer disease that was at the verge of taking my life. Want to share your testimony like me? Contact the voodoo man on his direct email address... payospiritsshalospells’’AT’’yahoo’’DOT’’com (rewrite the email in its right form)... I AM NOW A HAPPY AND HEALTHY YOUNG MAN ONCE AGAIN...THANKS TO DR. PAYO SHALO
